Euphorbia tirucalli is a succulent shrub optimally grown in semi-arid and tropical climates and native to Asia and Africa. This plant can be as high as 30 ft tall and 6-10 ft wide if placed outdoors while 2-6ft tall and 1-3ft wide if kept indoors. Pencil Cactus Benefits requires full sun exposure with sandy and well-drained soil that is neutral to acidic. Its hardiness zones are 11-12(USDA). As the name suggests it has green pencil-like branches at the end of mature thick brown branches. Its bloom time is spring and summer where it develops beautiful yellow flowers at the end of the green pencil-like stems.

It is popularly grown as a houseplant and as you can guess from its height mentioned above it has a fast-growing rate but be cautious as its components are toxic to humans and pets.It has a lot benefits which we will cover at the end.

How to grow and Propagate the Pencil Cactus Benefits?

Propagation from cuttings in soil-

Learn how to grow pencil cactus from cuttings

It’s an easy task just ensure you do so in late spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing.

  • Take the green branch cutting from a healthy, disease-free plant which must be 6 inches long.
  • To stop the flow of sap as you may observe dip it in water.
  • Let the cutting dry for a week, make a callous over the cut end, and then pot it in a well-drained potting mix.
  • It’s important to place the plant in a sunny area, water a little, and repeat the watering process only after the soil dries out.

Propagation in water

It is not recommended as the plant itself is drought tolerant and if grown in water the chances of root rot will increase by many times.

Pencil Cactus

How to take care of pencil cactus?

If you are a person who travels a lot but wants an aesthetic yet low-maintenance plant, this might be the plant for you, It needs watering only a couple times a month even in hot weather so think how long it can go in winter. And even better you will only need to fertilise them annually. Just look for dead plants and prune them immediately, also as it grows fast, report the plant if it exceeds the size of your container.

1. Light

It needs a lot of light like 6 hours a day, If growing indoors place it near the brightest window.

2. Soil

The soil must be dry, and sandy, and a cactus or succulent potting mix that is well-drained works.

3. Water

Let the soil dry out completely before your next watering session, In spring and summer limit watering to every 2 to 3 weeks a month and only monthly in winter.

4 Temperature and Humidity

The optimal temperature would be 65 to 75 degrees F, ensuring that the temperature around the plant doesn’t go below 50 degrees. Humidity is not a problem until the soil doesn’t retain moisture.


Fertilize the plant in spring and take a rest for the rest of the year as it will function to its best on its own.


How to trim it

Prune in springs, first remove all the dead branches, and shape your plant in the shape you like but don’t cut too much from the bottom as it has a tendency to get top heavy, just remember to wear a face mask and gloves as the sap that comes out of the plant is toxic, also do not decay the cut part due to its toxins.

Benefits of pencil Cactus

Biggest benefit of this is that it will reduce your everyday stress by taking in the toxins.

  • Low maintenance
  • Purifies air – Less sick days!
  • Drought tolerant
  • Gives an Aesthetic touch to your room

Pencil Cactus

Cactuses that flowers: Unveiling Nature’s Delicate Side

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):-

Q1. How much time does a pencil cactus take to develop its roots?

Ans. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to root.

Q2. How often to water pencil cactus?

Ans. In summer water every 2 3 weeks and in winter water once a month.

Q3. Is cacti and pencil cacti of the same species?

Ans. No, Pencil Cactus is not a pure cactus, though it has some same features like it can also store water and has a sparkly appearance.

Q4. what is the cultural significance of the plant?

Ans. It’s traditionally used as a medicine fence to protect the crops from animal grazing.AND a mark of adaptability and endurance as it can thrive in adverse situations.