What is Organic Gardening?

Gardening without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is defined as organic gardening. It entails growing plants in your yard using only natural materials. Sir Albert Howard, F.H. King, Rudolf Steiner, and others created the principles of organic agriculture in the early 1900s, stating that the use of animal manures, cover crops, crop rotation, and biologically based pest management resulted in a healthier agricultural system. Organic farming uses natural resources while also renewing them. It is indeed an organic gardening concept that promotes the overall stability of the system. Rather than exclusively growing plants, an organically maintained garden focuses on building an environment that nurtures and feeds plants, soil bacteria, and pollinating organisms.

Components of Organic Gardening-

1. Use of green manure crops to fertilize the soil.
2. Worm composting or Vermicomposting.
3. Crop rotation, Intercropping, Mixed Cropping, and Mixed Farming.
4. Aquaculture and Animal husbandry.
5. Bio fertilizers and organic manures.

Best Benefits Of Organic Gardening-

1. Pesticides, herbicides, and other toxic chemicals that sweep away the principal soil plants and animals, are not present in organic mode of gardening/farming. Natural plants, insects, birds, and animals will survive and be rich in the natural environment as a result of organic farming, sustaining the ecological balance.

2. An analysis revealed that using organic farming techniques on a regular basis minimizes levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and helps to slow climate change.

3. The water reservoirs are now becoming contaminated as a result of pesticide and chemical surface erosion, endangering numerous aquatic plants and wildlife. By eliminating the need of toxic chemical and pesticide discharge, organic farming helps preserve our water supplies healthy and uncontaminated.

4. Organic farming contributes to the preservation of the natural ecosystem by fostering birds and other natural predators to thrive in fields, acting as natural pest management.

5. When compared to conventionally cultivated food, organically grown items have a higher nutritional value and also tastes better.

Ground level of unrecognizable female gardener planting green sprout in soil while working on plantation

Organic Garden- Step By Step

As we have previously explained how organic farming protects animal health and welfare, fosters biodiversity, assures water conservation and pollution management, and combats global warming, it has become a necessity presently, and everyone should invest in their very own organic garden. Let’s talk about how you can produce your own organic garden now that we’ve established what organic gardening is, what its components are, and what advantages it provides to nature and animals.

Step 1- Soil Preparation

When it comes to organic gardening, the most crucial component or resource is the soil. It is accomplished by continuously adding organic matter to the soil while utilizing locally accessible resources in every conceivable way. You must adequately prepare the soil in which your plants will grow if you want them to be healthy. Plants, like humans, require nourishment, which in this instance originates from the soil. As a result, you must ensure that your plants receive an optimum supply of new nutrients. Appropriate soil aeration will provide your plants with all of the nutrients they require. Chemical soil solutions not only degrade soil composition but also kill vital soil microbes, worms, and bacteria. It must not be used.

Step 2- Create An Excellent Compost

Preferably use a vermicompost that has to be prepared and harvested about a month before you begin creating your organic garden. you may produce the compost while your soil is being prepared. Composting aids in the provision of nutrients to plants, the conserving of water, the suppression of weeds, and the prevention of food and yard waste in garbage. Compost can be purchased or made at home from resources such as leaves, residue from plants, yard and human waste, and kitchen trash.

Step 3- Get Your Garden Set

The next task is to prepare and set up your garden. Time to prepare the garden space after procuring all the pre-requisites. You may properly prepare your area with gardening instruments that are readily available. However, it is crucial to prevent degrading the soil. You can decorate your garden as per your wish.

Step 4- Shop For Your Favorite Plants

The following step is to choose the appropriate plants for your garden. At this point, soil pH samples and evaluation will be useful. It is essential to pick plants that will flourish in the precise micro-conditions of your type of soil. Choose plants that will grow in different sections of your garden relying on moisture, sunlight, and ventilation, as well as soil quality. Consider that the stronger your plants are, the more immune your harvests will be to bugs and pests. You can pick lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. based on your choice. Choose plants that have not been treated with chemical additives or pesticides.

Step 5- Arrange The Crops In Various Sections Of The Garden

Be careful about putting your crops in broad beds as you’re planting them. While harvesting, planting them in beds protects you from trampling on them and eroding the topsoil. Furthermore, combining crops reduces weeding, water waste, and makes application of compost more efficient. It also allows the plants to maximize use of the nutrients and water that are offered to them. Make sure that there’s enough space between the rows. This aids in the enhancement of air circulation, which contributes in the prevention of fungal infections.

Step 6- Irrigation Of Crops

You are free to water the plants instantly after establishing them in order supply them with the water they require to survive and flourish. Crop yields requires a huge amount of water. Water is a necessity for seed germination, and after development starts, it contributes as a transporter for macro and micronutrients and plant food aid. Plant cells that develop by expanding in volume, which entails the absorption of water by the cells.

Step 7- Weeding Is Essential

Weeds compete for water, light, soil nutrients, and space, reducing crop production. Weeds can diminish crop quality by polluting the product in agricultural crops. They can act as disease hosts or generate overwintering habitat for insects. Pulling weeds by hand may be difficult, but is important to be performed. You can also get your garden de-weeded by professionals.

Step 8- Look After Your Garden And Provide Nutrition

Now that your organic garden is ready, ascertain that your plants receive adequate light, nutrients, and moisture to aid in their growth. Water them regularly, weed them right, and use natural manures only. Your crops will eventually be ready at the right time.


  1. What is an organic garden and why is it important?

A. An organic garden is a type of garden that is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or other chemicals. Organic gardening is important because it promotes sustainable and environmentally friendly growing practices that are better for the health of the soil, plants, and people who consume the food.

  1. Where should I start an organic garden?

A. The best place to start an organic garden is in a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day and has good soil drainage. This could be in a backyard, on a balcony or rooftop, or even in a community garden.

  1. How do I prepare the soil for an organic garden?

A. To prepare the soil for an organic garden, you should first test the soil pH and nutrient levels. Then, add organic matter such as compost or aged manure to improve soil structure and fertility. You may also need to amend the soil with additional minerals, such as lime or sulfur, to adjust the pH level.

  1. What types of plants can I grow in an organic garden?

A. You can grow a wide variety of plants in an organic garden, including vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. It is important to choose plants that are well-suited to your local climate and soil conditions and to practice crop rotation to avoid soil-borne diseases.

  1. How do I control pests and diseases in an organic garden?

A. In an organic garden, it is best to use natural methods to control pests and diseases. This may include introducing beneficial insects, such as ladybugs or praying mantises, using physical barriers, such as row covers, or using natural pest deterrents, such as neem oil or diatomaceous earth.

  1. How do I water an organic garden?

A. To water an organic garden, it is best to use a soaker hose or drip irrigation system, as these methods deliver water directly to the roots of the plants without wasting water. It is also important to water the garden deeply and infrequently, rather than shallowly and frequently, to encourage deep root growth.

  1. How do I maintain an organic garden?

A. To maintain an organic garden, it is important to keep the soil healthy and free from weeds. This can be done by regularly adding compost or other organic matter to the soil, and by using mulch to suppress weeds. It is also important to monitor the garden for pests and diseases and to address any issues promptly using natural methods.