How Many Corn Seeds Per Hole: Corn is a crop plant native to America for 10,000 years ago. It is a source of biofuel, oil, food, and livestock. Naturally, it was toxic but was made nutritious, tasty, and sweet by hybridization. It is one of the most dominant and versatile crops usually grown in summer to enjoy the juicy sweet taste of sweet corn.

To plant a corn plant, you must know all about this crop, it is best grown in blocks rather than rows as it is wind-pollinated.

How many corn seeds per hole should you plant?

Optimally plant 2 seeds per hole, in case one doesn’t germinate, you can also go up to 3 to be extra cautious. If more than one seed sprouts from one planting cut it down and let the strongest stay.

When to plant corn seeds

This plant loves the warmth and can rot in cold, so ensure the temperature is 60 degrees F to 65 degrees F optimally in May, or June depending on your area.

Where to plant corn seeds?

These tips are necessary for corn seed to germinate-

  • Sunlight – full
  • Soil- highly fertile, well-drained with a pH of 6 to 6.8, high in Nitrogen and moisture

Before planting make the soil rich in nutrients by adding manure or compost

TIP- plant it in the same spot you planted your previous crop like peas to increase the needed Nitrogen content, and practice crop rotation.

How Many Corn Seeds Per Hole

How to plant corn seeds? Know about corn planting distance cm

Planting in blocks is beneficial for this wind-pollinated plant. This crop does require a lot of space. Plant shorter varieties closer and sweeter ones shallower.

Corn spacing chart

Seed spacingRow spacingSeeds per hole
8-12 inches30-36 inches1-2, sometimes 3

How to harvest corn?

Corn is ready to be harvested approx. three weeks after the appearance of brownish silk.

You can also check by pulling the leaves revealing the top of the cob. Its kernels would have become thick, strong, and milky when cut open. harvest them by bending and pulling the ear downward from the stalk by following the motion of a pendulum.

REMEMBER- the sweeter the corn is the more water and warmer the soil it will be needed

Care for your corn plant

The most important step after planting the crop is watering to keep the soil moist, it wholly depends on the weather, if the warmth increases the watering too

At plant height 12- 18 inches, fertilize thoroughly with the most wanted nitrogen fertilizer

Look for weeds

Remove the weeds when encountered as they may steal the nutrients you wanted to give to your plants

While removing weeds be careful and do not damage your crop as corns develop a shallow root system.

Natural pollination

If you have a large property dedicated to growing crop self-pollination can take place. Mostly pollen shedding occurs when the morning dew dries between 9 and 11 am.

But if the space isn’t big don’t rely on self-pollination, most of the pollens could have blown away rather than landing on the silk. Planting in blocks will reduce these chances.

You can also hand pollinate by dusting the tassels over the silk, continue this for a week, but don’t remove too many tassels in the process.

How Many Corn Seeds Per Hole

Basil Seeds Vs Chia Seeds: You Need to Know!

Frequently Asked Question (FAQS) About How Many Corn Seeds Per Hole:-

Q1. How many corn seeds per hole are to be planted?

Ans- 1 or 2 corn seeds per hole can be planted.

Q2. How much seed is needed for 1 acre of corn?

Ans. Approx. 15,000 or 25,000 seeds would be needed for 1 acre of corn, it also depends upon spacing as if plants are close, self-pollination will also increase.

Q3. How many corn seeds per hole should be planted?

Ans. Number of corn seeds depends upon the row length and seed spacing.

Q4. How to plant corn seeds by hand?

Ans- follow the steps

  • Prepare the soil with manure ensuring it’s well-drained
  • Dig 1 to 2 inches deep and 8 to 12 inches apart in rows
  • Place the 1-2 corn seeds per hole
  • Cover them with soil and water well

Q5. How many corn seeds per hole in Texas?

Ans. 1-2 seeds per hole works for Texas, it is mostly followed universally.

Q6. How many rows of corn to plant?

Ans. For successful pollination plant at least 4 rows in blocks.