The Song of India plant, Dracaena reflexa which belongs to the family Asparagaceace is a tropical shrub native to Africa. One of the simplest and most pleasing song of India plant benefits is its unique appearance with long dark green leaves with alternating chartreuse strips, the middle part has unique visible elongated veins. It blooms white flowers and its hardiness zones are 10-12(USDA).It is a popular indoor plant which grows 3-20ft tall and 3ft wide.

To gain the song of India plant benefits thoroughly you must care for it

Song of India Plant Care

1. Light

It thrives in bright, indirect light for at least 4 hours daily if you want that bright foliage to stay, but don’t exceed the limit as it may lead to scorching of leaves.

2. Soil

The only requirement for soil is to be fresh and well-drained, Peaty soil is best to avail the song of india plant benefits to a great extent, but too much peat can lead to the decomposition of soil quickly. So mix your potting with peat, bark, pumice, perlite and vermiculite.

3. Water

Ensure that soil is moist, water only when it dries as overwatering can cause the most common root rot, filtered water would be better as this plant cannot tolerate fluoride which leaves margins.

4. Temperature and Humidity

As this plant is native to Africa, and tropical it loves and is adapted to warm temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees F with a preference for high level of humidity.

5. Fertiliser

During the blooming period in spring and summer use liquid soluble fertilizer in a ratio of 10-10-10, diluted to half of its strength twice a week, no need to add fertilizer in winter as the plant would be in dormancy.

Song of India

Song of India plant varieties

Most of the 120 plants belonging to the same genus are native to Africa and used as home plants. Each has its own unique features. Some of its cultivators- bred to possess these characters are-

  • Dracaena reflexa‘Variegata

Its margins are bright lime which becomes white as it ages contrasting the green color in the center.

  • Dracaena reflexa‘Song of Jamaica

It is a rare variant with stems growing at different angles which bends down with time. Its strips are different from the Song of India plant and are rather off-white.

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Song of India plant propagation

It is typically not grown from seeds but can be propagated by cuttings, its best time is in spring in its active growth phase.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Cut a stem possibly 6 inches long from a disease-free healthy plant using shears.
  • Place the cutting in the container – its your choice a potted song of india plant in soil or in bottled water
  • To plant in water dip the cut end in rooting hormone and plant in soil with equal parts of moss and perlite.
  • When roots starts to form place the plant in an established container with well-drained soil.
  • Keep the soil moist at all times for the younger plant.

Song of india plant benefits

It has many benefits both indoors and outdoors, the first being its aesthetic appeal which will leave your guests mesmerised

  • It purifies the air by lowering levels of harmful formaldehyde and xylene.
  • It is very low maintenance in terms of light, and water needs so if you are a little lazy but want some greens around, go and take this one.
  • It is known to promote a calm and peaceful environment by lowering stress levels
  • According to Feng shui it attracts positive vibes, keeping you happy and mentally well
  • It keeps the humidity high which is beneficial for your skin and breathing

Song of India

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):-

Q1. Does song of india plant pink variegation available?

Ans. No, but it may be a different close-looking species or cultivator as most Song of India plants come with yellow and green variegation.

Q2. What is the price of the Song of India plant?

Ans. The prize deviates as size does ranging from $10 to $100 plus

Q3. How to care for Song of India plant leaf drying?

Ans. Provide adequate water and ensure indirect light as toon much light is the culprit of leaf dying .

Q4. What is the best song of India plant vastu direction?

Ans. According to Vastu, this plant leads to positive vibes, east, southeast, north, and northeast directions are suitable for this placement, avoid the southwest as this is unfavorable for plants.

Q5. How to make a song of india plant bushy?

Ans. To make it bushier, provide regular pruning, water, soil, and light necessary for the full growth.