10 Stepping Stone & Garden Path Ideas

Another low-effort, low-cost DIY garden path idea is to use timber decking boards. A good option is to create a path that is wider than usual or if there's an irregular area of your vegetable patch it will cover up.

Lead the way with decking boards

Stepping stones are a lovely way to add character to a garden, with designs ranging from riven-effect rocks to offer an aged worn looks, wood-effect stones to mimic this same look of old timber, or rocks inscribed with motifs.

Add charm with rustic stepping stones

Buying fully prepared timber decking squares rather than timber decking boards is a cheaper and easier alternative to just using timber decking boards. Squares are easily accessible at DIY sheds and are pre-cut to size.

Opt for easy-fit decking squares

Combining paving slabs to gravel as well as shingle for creating a simple DIY path is an excellent way to reduce the cost of the a garden makeover. When purchased in bulk, pea shingle is a cost-effective option for hard landscaping.

Add character with a reclaimed brick pathway

Make rustic country-style garden pathway out of reclaimed bricks, which can often be found for free or at a low cost on websites like Gumtree. The fact that reclaimed bricks are already weathered have a advantage.

Combine slabs and shingle for a natural look

Make a casual walkway that complements the style and appearance of ones garden as well as outdoor space. A rugged rock pathway blends in perfectly with the landscape & planting in this naturalistic setting.

Look to nature for inspiration

Create an unofficial pathway inside a cottage-style garden using a variety of landscaping materials. Comparison materials can also be used to highlight different areas of the garden or to attract attention to transition zones.

Create a pretty patchwork pathway

An informal weathered timber boardwalk creates a comfortable, lived-in vibe that's ideal for a coastal stylish garden. Reclaimed timber scaffold panels are frequently plentiful and inexpensive.

Opt for a cool coastal-style boardwalk

In a tiered or gently sloping garden, build pathway steps out of repurposed bricks and paving slabs. Using contrasting colours in mixed materials assists in identifying the corners of steps, which makes them simpler to see.

Step up with bricks and pavers

To soften the hard lines and sharp corners of slabs and pavement stones, use ground-hugging plants. Choose low-maintenance kinds that will not be easily damaged as you sweep up and down the path. Also, choose scented plants and herbs which emit of scent.

Soften the edges as you go