Garden Design:Ideas and Tips

Give a wide berth

Ensure sure your walkways are spacious enough for easy movement. No one likes to squeeze through confined areas, whether inside or outside. Major thoroughfares should be at least 5 feet broad enough for two individuals to stroll side by side.

Watch your steps

Outdoor stairways and steps should rise gradually; otherwise, they risk appearing intimidating. The most pleasant stairs are those with a rise of no more than 6 inches. Each step's run (or depth) plus twice its rise (or height) should add up to 26 inches. So, stairs with a 6 ” rise would need a 14-inch run.

Provide plenty of elbow room

The ideal locations for outdoor entertaining are patios and decks. Make sure you have ample space for dining and socialising. Plan on providing at least 4 square feet of space per person, taking into account how many people you're likely to invite frequently. In order to allow for comfortable movement around any furniture grouping,.

Stay steady on your feet

Make sure that any pavement offers stable footing. Avoid slippery floors and carelessly installed, swaying pavers. In wet and icy areas, pavement materials like  granite or smooth outdoor tile could not provide enough traction.

Remember: Heads up!

Provide arches, arbours, and pergolas plenty of headroom. I think 7 feet is the minimum, and , normally add at least another 18 inches to that. Although it may sound obnoxious, structures that are outside typically appear smaller than those that are inside.

Plan for growth

Provide space for your plants to grow. Plant with the intention of moving or removing some plants as they develop if you must have a thick, complete landscape right away. You can also add short-lived, quick-growing "filler" plants to your plantings to temporarily bulk them up. Among the preferred fillers are delphiniums.

Keep your distance

Plants that are taller than 30 to 36 inches should be placed at least 2 to 3 feet away from pathway and patio boundaries to avoid making these areas feel too confined and congested. While you're about it, try to keep noxious plants like crown imperials and thorns roses out of busy areas.

Create a comfort zone

Although skin deep may apply, plants in the garden are capable of much more than just being decorative. Your garden can actually become more comfotable and useful if the proper plants are utilised in the right ways.

Keep an eye to the future

Even if you don't currently have any plans for irrigation or lighting, you should think about putting down electric conduit and irrigation plumbing 18 inches beneath ground along walkways and close to bed boundaries if you're constructing or digging up your garden.