How to Dye Fabric Using Plants From Your Garden

How long does it take

Rather than a slew of small flower pots or urns, opt for a single large one. Go for broke or go home! This house's porch is simple but elegant. The black of a seat and urn contrasts beautifully with the white & wood.

Are plant-dyed fabrics colorfast or washfast

It is determined by the dye colour (plants), fabric, and synthetic dyes method used. Some plant-dyed colours last much longer than others. The milk could be reused for multiple batches of textile preparation until it spoils.

How to Dye 


To manufacture the dye, combine the raw materials in a blender with two cups of extremely hot (almost boiling) liquid for each two cups of raw resources while wearing gloves. For every 2 cups of boiling water, use one to 2 tbsp of a flavor, such as turmeric.


Red cabbage (purple), beet (pink/red), and spinach/parsley were some more things I used (green). The contents should be blended into an extremely fine slurry. After combining, pour the mixture through with a sieve lined with cheesecloth.


Pour the mixture through with a lined with cheesecloth. 1 tablespoons of table salt should be dissolved in the liquid. Use a little funnel to pour into condiment bottles. Wash the fabric well in the washer as usual to get it ready for dying.


In the dryer, thoroughly dry. On your shirt, make a pattern with rubber bands or other item such as sock, bag, onesie, etc. To create the design, pinch, pleat, or bend the fabric. Apply a fixative or mordant to the fabric once you're happy with the design.

Put on gloves and squirt dye straight onto the fabric to colour it. Arrange to place adjacent primary colours or secondary colours next to one another. a slew of small flower pots or urns, opt for a single large one. Go for broke or go home! This house's porch is simple but elegant.



When they come into contact with each other, they will combine to form a third colour. Keep paper towels handy to prevent dye from pooling or seeping into areas where you intend to apply another colour.


When applying dye to the shirt, place it on a baking rack; just be certain to put an old plate or newspaper articles underneath it. Once the fabric has been adequately dyed, seal it in a plastic bag. Once the fabric has been adequately dyed, seal it in a plastic bag.


Microwave on high for two min on a mattress of towels or even a plate. Remove the bag from the microwave and set it aside to cool completely up over night. After resting, rinse with cool water. Remove or cut the rubber bands and hang to completely dry.