How to Grow Clementine Oranges


Clementines thrive in warm, subtropical to tropical climates. They require plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures to produce sweet and juicy fruit.


Provide consistent moisture, especially during the growing and fruiting seasons. Water deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to partially dry between waterings.


Plant in well-draining, loamy soil that’s rich in organic matter. Ensure the soil pH is slightly acidic, ideally around 6.0 to 7.0.


Clementines are sensitive to cold. If you live in an area where temperatures drop significantly, consider protecting your tree from frost by covering it.


Select a site with full sun exposure. Plant your Clementine tree in an area sheltered from strong winds. If you’re growing from a nursery-bought plant.


Use a balanced citrus fertilizer. Feed the tree during the growing season (spring and summer) according to the product’s instructions. Avoid fertilizing in the fall and winter.


Clementines are ready to harvest when they reach their characteristic bright orange color and are easily removed from the tree. 


Prune your Clementine tree to shape it, remove dead or diseased branches, and improve air circulation. Do this in late winter.

Pest and disease control

Watch for common citrus pests like aphids, scales, and citrus leaf miners. Regular inspection and appropriate treatments can prevent infestations.