How To Grow Vegetables Outdoors in The Winter

Salad greens are durable and can withstand cold temperatures and frost. Plant leafy greens inside the ground during in the summer to harvest in the winter. Chard, collards, rapini and kale are examples of common winter greens.

Grow leafy greens

Root vegetables, like leafy greens, can withstand winter weather if properly protected. For a winter harvest, plant root veggies straight inside the ground throughout late summer or the beginning of fall. They are typically cold durable and store well. 

Plant root vegetables

Plant brassicas in an outdoor breeding ground in the latter stages of spring or summer to grow them in winter. You also can start them in seed containers or pots indoors. If you begin your brassicas indoors, transplant them into  ground once they have sets of leaves.

Try growing brassicas

Plant brassicas in an outdoor breeding ground in the latter stages of spring or summer to grow them in winter. You also can start them in seed containers or pots indoors. If you begin your brassicas indoors, transplant them into  ground once they have sets of leaves.

Install a shelter

As an option to a frame, use cloches to protect greens and brassicas. Cloches seem to be plastic covers that fit over plants. You can use store-bought cloches to cover small vegetables, or you can make ones own for bigger garden beds. 

Use cloches to shelter

raw-bale Cold frames are straw bale shelters that help shield plants from of the cold.   Then, to seal the frame, place an old gate, window, or piece of polycarbonate so over top of a bales or straw.

Build straw-bale cold frames

To protect veggies from the cold, put on a thick covering of a mulch. Wrap the soil round the your veggies with 1-2 feet of mulch before the first frost. Then, cover the mulch as well as root vegetables with a sheet and gardening row cover to keep the heat in.


Use your winter vegetables wisely. Winter vegetables require less water due to the reduced moisture they receive from winter snow and rain. In addition, because there is less sunlight in the cold season, the soil does not clean out as quickly. 


Apply fertiliser to your winter vegetables only once. Winter veggies do not require regular fertiliser application to grow. Apply a fertiliser to the soil when planting your veggies and then refrain from adding additional fertilizer throughout the rest of the winter. 


Harvest your vegetables all winter long. The best time to harvest winter veggies depends on the type and when they were planted. Check on your veggies on a regular basis and remove them from one‘s winter shelters to avoid spoilage.
