How to Paint Shoes

Not all shoes are suitable for painting, so choose a pair that is made of a material that will hold paint well. Canvas shoes are a good choice, as are leather or suede shoes that have a smooth surface. Avoid shoes with a lot of texture or embellishments

Choose the right shoes

You will need a few supplies to get started, including paintbrushes, paint, a palette, masking tape, and a sealer. Acrylic paint is a good choice for most shoes, as it is easy to work with and dries quickly. Make sure to choose paint that is suitable for the material for it.

Gather your supplies

After grabbing supplies and before you begin painting, clean your shoes thoroughly to remove any dirt, dust, or oils that could interfere with the paint. Use a soft brush or cloth to wipe them down, and let them dry completely.

Clean your shoes

Mask off any areas you don't want to paint. Use masking tape to cover any areas of the shoe that you don't want to paint, such as the soles or certain parts of the upper. This will help you achieve a clean, neat finish.

Mask Off Areas

Decide on the design you want to paint on your shoes which you will like to wear. You can use stencils or freehand your design. If you're using stencils, tape them onto the shoe and use a pencil or chalk to lightly outline the design.

Choose your design

If you're using more than one color, mix them on a palette to achieve the desired shade. Start with a small amount of paint. To generate a tertiary colour using the proportional colour formulas, two parts of one primary colour are mixed with each other.

Mix your colors

Use a small brush to apply the paint to your shoes. Start with the lightest colors first and work your way up to the darker colors. Apply a thin coat of paint, and let it dry completely before adding another layer.

Paint your shoes

Once the base coat is dry, you can add details or highlights with a smaller brush. This is the time to add any extra details that will make your design stand out on the basis what you have planned in you design which will give a significance look.

Add details

When you're happy with your design, use a sealer to protect your shoes from water and stains. Spray the sealer lightly over the entire shoe, and let it dry completely so that your painted shoes docent get spoil from anything.

Seal your shoes

Once your shoes are dry and the sealer is set, you're ready to wear them out and show them off to your friends and in public. Your new custom-painted shoes are sure to turn heads and add a pop of color and personality to any outfit.

Enjoy your new shoes