How to Plant Succulents  Growing Tips 

Identify healthy plants to grow

Prior to purchasing a succulent from a nursery, it is critical to understand how to recognise a high-quality or healthy succulent. Although succulents typically have vivid or colourful colours, the first thing to do is to see if the plant appears lifeless.

Plant in a well-draining container

After you master caring for them, you can truly put succulents in everything you can think of, including hollowed-out books, thrift store bowls, and cinderblocks. Nevertheless, make an effort to always include a drainage hole in your planter.

Porous potting mix or soil

A specialised potting mix mixture designed for succulents and cacti will work best for the majority of succulents. Ordinary potting soil frequently has too much organic matter, which is fantastic for many plants but not succulents because it helps retain moisture. Also, you can use a mixture of potting soil, sand, and perlite.

Requires sunlight

While too little sun makes them rangy and weak, full sun burns their leaves. Succulents with green, yellow, or variegated leaves want more shade, whilst those with red, grey, and blue leaves, or those with spikes, like more sun. Place them in a location that receives rising sun and evening shade if they are outdoors.

Rearrange succulents

It's vital to keep in mind that they might not be able to withstand intense heat and sunlight, which could lead to sunburn and eventual plant death. As a result, it is recommended to move the plants to new positions as the seasons change, from the sun to the shade and vice versa.

Only water plants when the soil or other planting medium is fully dry. Place your planter on a saucer filled with shallow water, wait for the water to be absorbed into the soil, and then take the planter off the saucer to water your succulents.

Do not overwater

Avoid fungal attack

Because their thick, rigid leaves are frequently challenging for insects or other pests to penetrate, succulents tend to be pest resistant. However, it is also advised against giving succulents a shower because the water may pool in the leaves and stems, causing fungal infections and occasionally even rotting.


Typically, extra fertiliser is not needed for succulents to grow. Its growth benefits from the soil's nitrogen content. Because of this, make sure the manure you add to the potting soil contains a sufficient amount of nitrogen. Throughout their active growing season, which runs from spring to October, fertilise succulents. We advise using a 10-10-10 fertiliser that has been diluted in half. Because they are dormant in the winter, succulents don't require fertilisation.

Pest and Diseases

Even though succulents are resilient, they still require a little care from you. Inspect them frequently for insects that could eat your prized plants, such as mealy bugs, spider mites, and aphids. The least offensive pests are aphids, which may be removed using a hose and high pressure.