Top 10 Easy Flowers for Beginners to Grow 


With enough sunlight, this flower is regarded by many as a staple for gardens because it is simple to grow. Even without fertiliser, they are adaptable enough to flourish in both moist and dry soil.

Sweet Alyssum

These delicate blooms prefer the full sun and are frequently used as landscape borders. They are a popular choice for gardens because of their honey aroma and lovely colours (they come in white, pink, and purple).


This flower is perfect for your garden if there is a spot that doesn't get enough water or gets too much light. You can find them in pink, yellow, or red, and their height varies according on the kind you choose.


These cheery blooms, which have a minty scent, are favoured by many gardeners for use as border. To ensure that these flowers grow successfully, choose well-drained soil, a moderate amount of fertiliser, and lots of sunlight.


More than 70 distinct types of these vibrant flowers are available, and they frequently draw bees. As long as they receive full light, they normally thrive regardless of the soil type. Heirloom types exhibit increased heliotropism, or flower growth in response to sunshine.


This flower, which often reaches a height of four feet, is a fantastic option to enliven your landscape. But, bear in mind that white zinnias attract Japanese beetles, so if they're common in your area, choose a different species.


For optimal results, place your plants in full shade. Stretch will grow and flowering will be reduced by excessive watering and fertilisation. Moisture and fertilisation have an impact on the height and vigour of impatiens plants. The size of the plants will increase with more moisture and nutrients.


Seeds are simple to grow from. prefers partial or shade. These are a stunning selection of all of our best-selling begonias. Superb plants for containers or as bedding. They are ideal for large plantings due to the homogeneity of their sizes. Good in shady places where few other plants will bloom.


Tetra Mix Snapdragon flower seed packs in full colour are stunning (Antirrhinum majus). The huge, ruffled flowers on this annual semi-dwarf type of snapdragon come in hues of pink, purple, red, yellow, and white. blooms from spring through October. Enjoy in the garden or indoors as a cut flower.

Morning Glories

The current and subsequent growing seasons are meant for all of the seeds packed by Seed Needs. Every seed is kept in a dry, temperature-controlled space that is devoid of excessive moisture. Seed Needs provides generous volumes in their seed packs.